We received a visit from the USDA US Embassy Kuala Lumpur led by Mr. Timothy Harrison, Agricultural Attaché, Mr. Abdul Ghani Wahab, Agricultural Specialist, USDA US Embassy Kuala Lumpur and Ms. Rowena Ngumbang, Marketing Specialist, USDA US Embassy Kuala Lumpur.
We toured the SBC’s facilities such as the Ethnobotanical Garden, the proof of concept Algae Cultivation Facility, Natural Product Library, Analytical Chemistry and Gallery.
They learned how SBC preserves traditional knowledge of the plants and projects associated with bio-related products with the indigenous communities of Sarawak.
During the visit, we exhibit some of the projects implemented by SBC in partnership with communities such as LitSara project, Biodiversity make Scents, essential oils and Sekiu Oil project.
We also discussed matters on the USDA’s Borlaug Fellowship Program which promotes food security and economic growth by providing training and collaborative research opportunities. The program helps foster science-based trade policies that improve international market access for U.S agriculture products.