Industrial Training Programme (for University Students Studying in Malaysia)

We welcome students of public and private institutions of higher learning in Malaysia to carry out their industrial training at Sarawak Biodiversity Centre.

Sbc Interns 2024


Students who are in their third or final year of study in the following fields may apply for placement in the programme:

  • Applied Sciences: Applied Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics
  • Biological Sciences: Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Plant Science, Botany
  • Mass Communications
  • Graphics Design


  • The following are not provided to industrial trainees:
  • Accommodation and transportation
  • Insurance and medical coverage
  • SBC shall not be liable for any mishaps or incidents that may occur to the student during the training period.
  • Students shall maintain confidentiality of any and all information that he/she is given access to during the training period.
  • Students must abide by all SBC rules and regulations and administrative procedures.


Application Procedure

  • Download the official application form here
  • Fill in the required details in the application form.
  • Attach passport-sized photograph in the application form.
  • Enclose the following documents:
    • Cover letter from faculty
    • Complete list of all courses / subjects (all semesters)
    • Copy of academic transcript (1st semester until to-date)*certified true copy
    • Copy of NRIC (both sides) *certified true copy
    • Insurance from University
  • Send completed application form and attachments to:

Sarawak Biodiversity Centre
KM20 Jalan Borneo Heights, Semenggoh
Locked Bag No. 3032, 93990 Kuching, Sarawak
(Tel) : 082-610 610
(Fax) : 082-611 535
(Email) : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Applications containing false or incomplete information are considered void.
  • Official replies will be sent to the faculty.
  • Students who are offered placement in the Industrial Training Programme must confirm acceptance 15 working days from receipt of the offer letter.


Constance/Nurulliza, Communications Officer
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For more information, please contact us via the following details:

KM20, Jalan Borneo Heights, Semengoh, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Further Info

Online Services

Terms of Use

Useful Links