For more information, please contact us via the following details:
Applicant will be notified promptly upon receipt of the application form via the email as provided by the researcher in the application form.
Once the application is approved, the applicant will be notified via email. Officer in charge will send a draft permit to the applicant for review via email. The signed permit will be issued once after the project presentation with SBC.
Upon completion of the research, the applicant is required to fulfill the terms and conditions of the R&D permit .Depending on the terms spelled out in R&D permit issued, you would be required to:
Usually, a presentation of the research project may be requested.
Permits under SBC:
Permits under the Sarawak Forestry Corporation:
During the evaluation of your research proposal, you will be advised on what other relevant permits are required. Thus, a comprehensive research proposal is crucial.
You may apply for the above permits at the Sarawak Forestry Corporation. Please refer here for more detail. Or you may contact Sarawak Forestry Corporation at the following contact details:
Sarawak Forestry Corporation
Lot 218, KCLD,
Jalan Tapang, Kota Sentosa,
93250 Kuching, Sarawak
Toll-Free : 1800 882526
Tel : (+6)082-610088
Fax : (+6)082-610099
Email :
Please refer to the Sarawak Immigration Office for more detail.
State Immigration of Sarawak
Tingkat 1 & 2, Bangunan Sultan Iskandar
Jalan Simpang Tiga
93550 Kuching, Sarawak
Tel: 082-230280
Fax: 082-428606
For more information, please contact us via the following details: